The Victory Swing is an upcoming immersive theatrical experience hosted by Rapid Felicities and Morrison Bros. Our story is set in London during Hitler’s Blitzkrieg, when many people held dances during bomb raids – with windows blacked out and music turned up, they found joy amidst the fear.
Follow the characters of Sam and Joyce, a young couple that is separated when he goes off to war. Their love story progresses through the difficult wartime years, with a script based on real love letters recovered from WWII.
Showgoers will enter an immersive wartime atmosphere where they can interact with characters from the 1940s era. Come listen to staticky broadcasts on the vintage radio, keep a stiff upper lip through the air raid sirens, and dance the night away! Whether you’re a history buff, an avid dancer, or just looking for a vintage night on the town, the Victory Swing is for you.
JAN 19-21 7PM
FEB 1-4 7PM
Event Calendar
Run Time
(select date)
This event is intended for all ages, with activities planned specifically for non-dancers and young children! Please note that the event will include a simulation of air raids as part of the immersive experience. This will involve smoke, sirens, and loud bomb sounds. There will be a space set aside for small children (and their parents or guardians) if they're frightened.
The main community center parking lot is a gravel lot just off the street behind the building. Use *this link* to get directions for your GPS, or search for "Middleburg Community Center Parking Lot" in your own maps software.